
The Passphrase function can prevent physical attacks and social engineering attacks.

You can create new hidden wallets within a 12/18/24-word recovery phrase HD wallet by creating new Passphrases. Passphrases can be used to store your assets in hidden wallets, while a small amount stored in the default wallet can function as a “sentinel wallet” (a default wallet’s Passphrase is automatically set to blank “” when the HD wallet is generated). If an attacker has physical access to your device, in addition to hacking the Secure Element, they would still have to guess your Passphrase. As you can set multiple hidden wallets with different Passphrases, you can also distribute funds you wish to hide among them. In situations of duress, your default wallet will appear to have the only funds in your Keystone, while the bulk of your assets will be hidden in Passphrase wallets.

Please take care to record and store your Passphrases carefully as you will not be able to access any corresponding assets if they are lost. To learn more about Passphrases, visit our blog.

How to Set a Passphrase

1. Tap the [Menu] button on the top left of the main page of the Keystone. Tap [Settings], then [Passphrase Wallet]. (Need password or fingerprint verification)

2. Enter password > tap [Confirm]. Then input your passphrase > tap [Confirm]

3. Tap [Confirm] to create a hidden wallet, which will appear over the default wallet.

4. Select the "Assets" you want to manage in the hidden wallet and sync with the mobile app.


1. The password used for hidden wallets is the same as used by the default wallet.

2. To go back to the default wallet, follow above steps 1-4, but keep the Passphrase field blank (“”) in step 2.

3. If the hardware wallet device is powered off or restarted when you use the hidden wallets, it will enter the default wallet.

Last updated